Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brian Joubert

Brian Joubert takes the ice from far away France. Apparently there is a decline of the "quad" -- who knew?

Starting off with an impressive hip thrust!

"He doesn't waste any time being as gay as possible" - A.W.

Whoopsie! First jump a little faulty.

"This music is sooo Eurotrash"

Woah! Another fall. :( That was a doozy. Apparently he's never been able to skate a "clean competition" but if he wants to be "dirty" who's to hold it against him? ;)

Some nice vogueing action. Apparently his body language is showing that he has given up. But let's not give up on Joubert quite yet! "He just doesn't care anymore" says A.W. But did he just break out a running man move? Even at his lowest point his running man was still energetic.

"Disastrous" and "painful to watch"


SCORE: 68 points :(


  1. He was kind of dreamy. I'd pity fuck him for the loss of his Olympic dreams.

  2. "He doesn't waste any time being as gay as possible" - A.W. hahaha but being gay is a pasttime for the french--like being self-absorbed (which that outfit screams)
